
All details for Twin Soul Astrometaphysical Readings are below. Book your reading on the SESSIONS page.

A Note to All Divine Counterparts ✧

I am called to offer this service not to cling tighter to timing, but rather to offer a fuller understanding of the divine unfolding, to introduce a higher cosmic perspective of witness and observer state where you are able to view the motion of the planets & harmony of the spheres as a musical lock that is eternally unlocking and activating, opening more of itself, within you and without, each now moment holding a unique beauty and purpose. This perspective assists in shifting you into a deeper surrender and release of attachment to the timing and outcome of future events and out of waiting/stuck energy or rushing/pushing/forcing, bringing the focus back to self, your inner alignment, and acceptance of & presence in the now moment.


Hieros Gamos ✧ The Divine Marriage 

Chart Comparison and Intuitive & Channeled Guidance for Twin Flames | Sacred Counterparts | Divine Partnerships | High Vibrational Soul Connections

In this highly specialized reading (either 1:1 or with both partners present) we will bring clarity to the mysterious “divine timing” that has brought both counterparts together and has contributed to the connection's divine unfolding. Just before we begin I will connect with your birth charts and the transits of the current planets, and during your session I will interpret the charts by reading energy directly from the chart itself. I tune into the resonant frequencies of the planets, the vibrational harmonics, and incoming multidimensional energies, and I channel information, messages, and guidance real-time.  I will tune into the higher octave vibrational harmonics of each natal chart and we will discuss the major planetary aspects, relevant stars, constellations, and asteroids in your connective energy, how to best work with the current celestial transits toward alignment with your inner union, and any desired areas of focus. The guidance that comes through may include messages from your higher selves, archangels, ascended masters, and star family. We will then dive into the nature of the powerful combined third energy that twins create together in permanent harmonious union, looking deeper at your souls’ divine purpose, the areas where you will advance and lead as an integrated and unified force, and the potentials and possibilities that can be birthed through this alchemical child.

Depending on the reading there may be space available to address:

 Specific celestial activation points that occurred throughout this current incarnation, including personal shifts & pivotal interactions between partners.

 A chart drawn for your First Meeting & the energies surrounding that which conspired to bring you together.

✧ A dive into the nature of the powerful combined third energy that twins create together in permanent harmonious union, looking deeper at your souls’ divine purpose, the areas where you will advance & lead as an integrated & unified force, and the potentials & possibilities that can be birthed through this alchemical child.

*Full birth dates with times & locations is ideal. A general time of day can also be used. If time is completely unknown, I will channel the information that is available.
*Please note that this is not an in-depth individual reading. If you would like a full Personal Astrometaphysical Reading that should be booked separately.
*First Meeting chart requires date/location and general time.
*Twins/counterparts do not need to be in physical union when booking this reading.
*Jennifer does not confirm or deny the label of your connection.
Recommended follow-up session is 2-4 weeks or as you are guided.

quite simply, I remember the music we are —

Adrian Holland Angels
Please read the Terms of Service & Cancellation Policy prior to booking a service.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me at
jenniferxander @