December Front Page (3)

— let the feeling of pure love & inner peace reverberate more loudly than the noise —

Hello and Welcome! The services I offer are to guide and empower you on your journey of self-exploration & self-discovery, to assist you in navigating this profound shift inside you & in your external world, to help you connect with your higher purpose, align with your life path, and manifest your dreams and deepest desires.

All Readings and Sessions currently offered are found in the SESSIONS area.

Working with me helps you to know and love yourself deeper. Sessions serve as major activations for growth on many levels, opening new awareness and activating the knowledge & wisdom that is already within you. Being present with and receiving the high frequencies within the energy during the reading is just as important as the information, messages, & guidance that comes through.

Know Thyself

Now is the time to remember the fullness of who you really are, connect with the source of your creativity, and use your free will to express yourself and take back your power.

find your center

We are living in a massively transformational time of accelerated ascension, a planetary shift in consciousness, and are evolving on all levels at an unprecedented rate. ⁣

The earth itself is finding a new balance as we awaken to greater truths that continue to emerge, both in the outside world & within each of us. All is being revealed for the truth of what it is. As we choose our own focus and experience on an individual level, we are given this opportunity to explore & connect deeper to the core of who we really are. We are beginning to open our awareness to our higher purpose, follow our joy, and come together with those we are deeply connected to on a soul level, moving toward a brand new template of relationships, a higher octave of love.⁣

We are remembering who we truly are.⁣

When you shift perspective to see that you are the centerpoint and the creator of your experience, you shift from feeling pushed & pulled by the outside world to knowing that you are powerfully supported by the grace & flow of the universe, emanating your own frequency, and the focus & power is brought back to you.⁣

As we allow our true selves to shine, engaging in our passions and skills, cultivating new talents and abilities, we are creating a world where we all can experience a life of joy and fulfillment, the life we had always hoped to have, the life we were always meant for, and contributing our energy & creations toward the good of the all.⁣

The old and outdated structures are being dismantled and are no longer supported. We are building now on a foundation of truth, compassion, unconditional acceptance, and genuine connection as we allow ourselves to be led by the heart.⁣

The building of this new world begins with following the truth inside you. ⁣


You are an infinite multidimensional being.⁣

Remember yourself.

Return to your power.

All the universe is within you.⁣


An Astrometaphysical Reading with me is a Powerful Energetic Activation and an Elevation in Frequency ✨✨✨

In your reading, I read energy directly from the astrological chart itself empathically connecting with the multidimensional energy within the planets, asteroids, stars, and beyond along with your multidimensional energy field. Your natal chart is not stationary — it is always evolving as you evolve, as the world, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, the cosmos evolves. The motion of the planets and harmony of the spheres is a musical lock that is eternally unlocking and activating, opening more of itself, within you and without, each now moment holding a unique beauty and purpose. Being present with and receiving the high frequencies within the energy during the reading is just as important as the information, messages, and guidance that comes through. My readings/sessions serve as major activations for growth on many levels, opening new awareness and activating the knowledge and wisdom that is already within you.

What To Expect In Your Session ✧

Your private 1:1 session is a co-creative, safe space to be yourself without judgment. I listen openly with compassion and love, honoring your unique journey. I do my best to provide clarity and understanding. ☀️ 

During your session I read directly from the chart image itself. I use my extrasensory gifts as I connect to your birth chart and multidimensional energy field.  As I speak with you and connect with your chart, I hold a multilocational (the sun, the stars, and beyond) and multidimensional perspective as I tune into the higher vibrational energy and harmonics of the cosmos, the ‘harmony of the spheres’, and bring forward information, messages, and guidance from Unity Consciousness. As we talk, I reflect to you your greatest light, the expansive truth of who you really are. This energetic space allows you to open into more joy and clarity as you connect more with your divine inner being, higher purpose, and deepest desires. The guidance that comes through is always in support of your highest good, helping you to connect more to your innate wholeness through greater awareness, deepening self-love, honoring the authentic self, and reclaiming the power within.

It can be helpful to set the intention to remain open and willing to receive the messages you need to hear, to connect with an open mind and open heart. Tuning in to your own intuition as we go & following your curiosity is important, as that allows light to be shed in areas you are ready to understand, deepening your awareness as you continue on your soul’s path. The sessions and readings that I offer serve as major activations for growth on many levels, activating the knowledge that is already within you. Many clients experience massive positive shifts during and following their session, and you may expect to undergo a process of integration. You may find it beneficial to make notes of ideas, inspiration, passing thoughts, or dreams during this time of transformation.

Each reading is unique. The information and messages that come through is specific for you at the time of your reading. Energy is fluid & time is a nonlinear subjective experience. We are always shifting on many levels, expanding, learning, uncovering more of who we are. Follow-up sessions can be as often as daily for quick guidance in the moment, weekly to see what's just up ahead, or once per month for a larger picture overview. I encourage you to schedule a follow-up reading if you feel the need for more information or to get a fresh look at what has shifted from your current level of awareness. Trust your intuition. 🙂

Pearl Neptune with rings in infrared
Pearl Neptune with rings in infrared
Andromeda Galaxy, M31
Andromeda Galaxy, M31
The astrology that I work with is one that I have personally cultivated using my 30+ years’ experience of examining astrological charts.  

My work is multidimensional and comprehensive, a quantum astrology for the new world that is ever evolving. A new and deeper understanding of ourselves, like planets that exist undiscovered, is now emerging more fully as our collective awareness expands. What is relevant and meaningful in your astrological birth chart is always shifting and dependent on many factors including your soul growth, your free will, your awareness & focus, and your level of consciousness, and changes with the magnetics of the earth and solar activity. In readings I look at a multitude of asteroids, fixed stars, celestial objects in the Kuiper Belt, and Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) that travel far beyond Neptune yet still return to check in with our sun. The Galactic Center, Super Galactic Center, and the Great Attractor also feature when connecting with galactic consciousness. What we look at in each reading depends on the person and is unique for each reading. I use mathematical data along with a blend of elements from a spectrum of astrological systems including traditional, sidereal, galactic, 13 moon, evolutionary, esoteric, shamanic, and cosmic.

Just as there is so much to discover outside of you, there are infinite depths to discover within.

Your astrological birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born, the blueprint of your soul in this life. It is the jumping off point at which we can start to lead you deeper into yourself as you continue to expand & awaken to more of your truth within. Everything is connected. At the subatomic level, everything is energy and nothing is truly separate from anything else. All that we see is constantly in motion, in a vibratory state of varying densities. This includes you. With movement comes sound. As the planets rotate & revolve, spiraling through space, they create a sort of music, a 'harmony of the spheres', a vibrational resonance that continuously transmits frequencies which we are able to feel, consciously & unconsciously. Planets are not the cause for what we experience, but an energetic influence on the subconscious. Vibrations produce sound & light, and the vast spectrum of frequencies that exist all around us are unseen by the human eye. It is frequency, vibration, and sound that forms the structure of everything physical. The morphogenetic field is an energetic template which creates the physical form. The electromagnetic field that emanates from the human body & our bioplasmic energy is always shifting & interacting with the earth's own electromagnetic field.

Knowing how the universe works means trusting beyond what the eyes can see, trusting the sensing & feeling of something, trusting the knowing of truth in the body. It's important to trust yourself, even if what you feel might not make logical sense. Your soul's truth resides in the heart space. The inner resonance. The key to growth, understanding, and expansion is to come out of the limitations of the mind and to drop into the heart. As you continue to listen within & trust the deep knowing in your body, strengthening your relationship with yourself, you become more conscious of what you were previously unaware of and transformation occurs at the cellular level.

In essence, when you honor your unique truth by voicing it aloud & taking inspired action according to what is in your heart, you become more of you.

The higher perspective involves integrating the knowing that everything is light and sound, frequency and vibration. Cultivating your connection to your inner compass, the truth of your heart, will guide you forward on your path.

As we collectively move through this paradigm shift into a new & balanced way of living, we are facing and releasing subconscious programs & false limiting beliefs that have kept us stuck in old cycles. As we awaken to deeper truths within and let go of our old stories & what no longer serves our highest good, we can move beyond those patterns and toward a fuller expression of ourselves. Living a life of joy means connecting to our soul’s essence & consciously acting in alignment with our authentic self & well-being. It means allowing all of your emotions to move through you without judgment, not suppressing any feeling that surfaces, allowing you to come into a fuller acceptance of self and a fuller love. True emotional fulfillment can only be found by feeling more. Not by thinking about feelings. But by actually feeling. 

We must be able to feel through what has kept us stuck, and then feel further into the future emotions that we desire to experience. It is through conscious intention that we begin to co-create a life in vibrational harmony.

We are coming into a wholeness & balance within ourselves, an inner union, purifying the masculine & feminine energies within us and leaving co-dependency, imbalanced relationships, and conditional love behind. 

With unconditional acceptance of self & others and release of judgments & resistance within, we are able to allow the shifts that are happening on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. Higher inspiration is received, new doors are opened, and opportunities in alignment with our dreams are made available. As we become more conscious of what has been hidden, we feel the power shift from outside ourselves to inside. It is then we are able to use our thoughts and emotional body to co-create and pull into manifestation the experiences we truly desire. In this quantum universe, all possibilities exist. Because everything physical that we see with our eyes has already been manifested, it becomes important to cut distractions & shift your focus inward to what it is you are creating. Where you place your attention/energy is key. If you focus on the old, on what already is, on the things you don't want, on fear, you strengthen the attachment and bond and will only create more of the same. We are always creating our experience in every moment, consciously and unconsciously. The world is always showing you what it is you're creating. 


There is no aspect in astrology, as in life, that does not offer you opportunity for expansion. You can always choose to perceive what is opening up for you. In readings, I focus on the energies present in the now moment. The present moment is where your alignment is found. The present moment is where happiness is. The present moment is where creation begins.

When you release control and attachment to how something should or will unfold, and focus only on your inner alignment & acceptance of the present moment, you free up the energy to manifest miracles in a way that you could not have possibly predicted. 

Astrology and the tarot are about seeing the energies of now clearer & working with the powerful momentum flowing inside the present moment, bringing that future potential here and embodying that. As we individually & collectively evolve, astrology evolves as well. Perspectives shift higher, and we connect with the evolving energies of the planets with our expanded awareness. 

Move toward what you love, don't avoid what you fear. The flow of the universe is always supporting your expansion, your curiosity, your joy, your highest desires.

All information I share here, in my energy updates and newsletter, and in personal readings is from my own perspective. Please use your own discernment and take whatever information resonates with you, part or all. If it doesn't feel right or if it is heavily confusing then it is not for you at this time and you can feel free to disregard it.   

I am deeply grateful for this time of immense personal expansion and the ability to share my gifts in service to you within Divine Love. 

With Infinite Love, 



Jennifer Sunshine December 12 2021

Jennifer is an astrometaphysician, actress, singer, artist, quantum healing hypnotherapist, and consciousness guide based in New York.

Learn more about Jennifer here.

Jennifer Alexander